Top 10 things to do after landing in Middle East

Middle East is geographically that region where Europe, Asia and Africa meet. Geographically it is a bit difficult to define modern Middle East but socially it mainly comprises of the Muslim dominant populated countries. The counties are, U.A.E. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan Syria, Iraq and Iran, Turkey and Egypt. The greater Middle East now comprises of many other countries as well. So when you are venturing into this region as a traveller or a job seeker you must follow a list of to do things. Here we have enlisted the top 10 things you should ensure after landing in Middle East.

Fill up forms in a clear and succinct way

If you are handed with forms which you are required to fill up, please give to the point replies. For example if you are asked your religion, simply write down the names of conventional well known religions and not things like Unitarian Universalist or an agnostic or atheist.

Always carry water and a sunscreen lotion

No matter where you are travelling in Middle East, make sure you are hydrated enough and carry your pair of glares, sunscreen or umbrella since the region is basically hot and dry.

Take clothes to cover you properly in the streets

No matter from which country you belong, you must make sure that you are appropriately dressed covering yourself sufficiently (especially if you are a female) to avoid hurting the religious sentiments of the region.

Do check for MERS CoV

In the year 2014, quite a number of travels had been postponed due to repeated reporting of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus cases at WHO (World Health Organization). So do your research work and avoid visiting the place if the conditions are acute

Follow news regularly during your stay

While you are in Middle East, keep your eyes and ears open to the local news paper and channels. You must avoid travelling to regions which are under political disturbance, as most countries in the Middle East region are sensitive.

Avoid roaming around at night

If you do not know any person originally belonging to a particular country to guide you, it is best that you do not leisurely roam around the streets at night in search of night life after a hectic day. There are high chances of you being suspected of notorious activities or getting robbed.

Avoid being parts of demonstrations

No matter how much you feel that demonstration in countries like Egypt is just and peaceful, please avoid being a part of that. There have been many cases of violence and sexual assaults on Egyptian women as well as foreign travellers during these protests.

You can expect cheap food during month of Ramadan

If you are visiting the countries during Ramadan, you can expect to have good and cheap food at the time when they are breaking their fast ( iftar) in the evenings. There are colourful tents where you can get in and have good food with local people even if you are a non Muslim. People can be really warm and welcoming giving you a chance to taste the local delicacies.

Be a little private while eating during months of Ramadan

No one expects a non Muslim to keep a fast during the holy month in the Middle east, but then do not make the mistake of eating in a public place while the rest are fasting. You can land up getting slapped with a very hefty fine.

And lastly if you are looking for a job or already into a job, do not miss out the fun of travelling to various regions especially the places which are very tourist friendly. It will be something that you have not experienced ever before in any parts of the world.